CS Kazakhstan Hecks

Improve Your CS Gameplay

Improve Your Skill

Get better in CS using our skill-improving heck.

Fight Smurfs

Make smurfs feel bad for loosing against you.

Many Users

Join a community of over 10 000 users of KazakhstanHecks.

100% VAC-Secure

We scramble each new heck to confuse VAC and make it undetectable.


Using a spoofed network protocol we prevent your demos from getting into the Overwatch system.


The Counterwave-Module deploys a wave whenever a banwave is detected. Both waves cancel out and you are not affected.

Made in Kazakhstan

Produced in Kazakhstan with love

Get KazakhstanHecks Today

Check out the free trial version straight away!

  • ping download server
  • mask download from VAC
  • get clearance for file to leave Kazakhstan
  • transmit data
  • apply changes

Our Guarantees

Money Back

If you are not happy with our hecks, you get your money back straight away.


You will never get banned using our software. Ever.


Our trial will always be for free. We want to earn your trust before your money.